The Foundations Series: Protein-dense Food

The Foundations Series: Protein-dense Food

The Foundations Series: Protein-Dense Food Subhead: Here’s the truth about protein in our diets. Protein-dense food is fundamental to our physiological function, health, and well-being. Protein-rich diets have gained a lot of controversial attention in the media and...
Hydration for Health

Hydration for Health

Hydration for Health The importance of understanding the body’s relationship with water. Your body mass is 60 to 75 percent water. H20 is the foundational chemical formula that enables your body to function and is, truly, the foundational formula for all life on...
The Sleep Blog

The Sleep Blog

Sleep What is Sleep? Sleep is the most important period of recovery for the brain and body, an essential component of daily function. Sleep quality, consistency, and amount determine the effectiveness of this recovery period. The quality of recovery during sleep...